
30. Swansea University (SWU)


Swansea University (SWU), founded in 1920, is a research-led University of 2,600 FTE staff, that attracts students (particularly Master’s and Doctoral students) from over one hundred countries and enjoys strong links with partner institutions around the world. The latest Research Assessment Exercise rated one third of SWU research as world-leading, and 90% of international standing. SWU has 16,000 students, of which 2,500 are post-graduates, including 650 PhD students. Overseas students exceed 2,000. SWU attracts talented postgraduate research students through its prestigious doctoral training programmes and research excellence scholarships funded by H2020, UK Research and Innovation, third sector organisations, charitable funders and the University.

Role in project

SWU will lead WP4 which focuses on prevention through epigenetic, working on the identification of epigenome, miRNA and microbiome markers with diagnostic and prognostic capacities to be integrated into selective breeding programmes to improve disease resistance and welfare. In addition, SWU will collaborate with WP5 and will leas task 7.2 on developing a Quality-of-Life scaling system for fish welfare.

The Team


Sofia Consuegra

WP4 leader

Carlos Garcia de Leaniz

Task 7.2 leader

Tamsyn Uren Webster

Participant WP4, task 7.2