Fish Health, Welfare and Biosecurity in carp and perch farming - February 12th, 2025

Training Course

07 Feb 2025


Currently Accepting Applications

LOCATION: online


This course aims to cover various relevant aspects of perch and carp health, welfare, and disease management in Europe. The course will review perch and carp production practices, key diseases and welfare challenges, and highlight the importance of optimal biosecurity practices and their role in animal production and disease prevention.

TARGET AUDIENCE The training course is designed for perch and carp farm managers, farm staff, technical personnel, biologists, and service and supply staff.


Tutors: Hamish Rodger, Meritxell Diez-Padrisa and Ana Herrero (PatoGen AS)

Topics covered: - Brief update on perch and carp production in Europe - Review of main perch and carp disease and welfare challenges in Europe - Biosecurity considerations for perch and carp production, including basic concepts and how to apply them.


Location: Online

Date and Time: 12 February, 2025. 10:00 to 11:30 hrs (CET)

Language of Instruction and materials: English

Fees: Course attendance is free, thanks to Horizon Europe funding


Complete your registration request through this form.

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Deadline: 07 Feb 2025

Location: Online