IMBBC has two Research Sectors, the Marine Biology & Biotechnology (MB&B) and Aquaculture (AQUA) Sectors. In the area of Aquaculture, we carry out research activities that cover the whole production cycle of marine fish farming, starting from broodstock management and reproduction, through larval rearing and fry production and grow out up to harvestable size; and all aspects of commercial rearing including rearing methodologies and equipment, nutrition and feeding, fish health and welfare, final product quality, and breeding selection. It is worthwhile to mention that IMBBC is the only EU marine institute that operates a pilot scale commercial sea cage facility, which allows research under real industry conditions, with rapid transfer capacity to the industry
HCMR/IMBBC is involved in many activities of Cure4Aqua including, alternative treatments, vaccine development, precision aquaculture, emerging diseases and broodstock management