Prorata S.A. is an innovative Greek company established in 2014 and is based on the belief that independent, reliable and contemporary scientific research is not only feasible but also necessary. In that context, the main aim of Prorata S.A. is the production of valid results and useful scientific analyses through the adoption of international best research practices in order to feed the public debate on issues that require more space, as well as to ensure the provision of effective strategic directions for its partners through customized consulting services. Prorata S.A. has been working with private and public firms, universities, institutions and think-tanks both in Greece and abroad.
Prorata S.A participates in a number of tasks within the WP7 “Evidence based standards and tools to advance WELFARE on farms”. More specifically, Prorata S.A. has central role in Task 7.1. about the validation of welfare indicators by Delphi Expert Assessment and the three workshops that are going to be organized in Greece, Spain and Czech Republic about the three selected species. Prorata S.A. also has an active role in task 7.2. regarding the establishment of a Quality-of-Life scaling system for fish welfare, in task 7.3. regarding the operational welfare assessment and in task 7.4. about the impact of the welfare assessment along (Happy fish – happy farmers). In addition, Prorata S.A. will cooperate with all partners and provide expertise in any other task is needed.